
Frequently Asked questions

Questions about Digital Exam

  • How do I login?
  • Why can't I see any exams?
  • Where can I see my grade?
  • The exam has ended - can I still view my submitted paper?
  • Which format should my paper be in?
  • When do I submit my assignment?
  • When is my submission registered?
  • How can I withdraw what I submitted?
  • How do I view feedback from an assessor?
  • When is data transferred between Digital Exam and the Project Library?
  • What does “confidentiality” mean when I submit my project?

questions about supervised exams

  • Good advice before and during a supervised exam
  • What is a supervised exam?
  • Do I have to bring my own computer?
  • Are there any system requirements?
  • What if my computer breaks down during the exam?
  • Do I have to bring a printer?
  • Can I use the internet during the exam?
  • What is considered as exam cheating?

Questions about Digital Exam

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    How do I login?

    + What is my username and password for digital exam?

    Your username is your AAUmail, and you password is the same you use to access your AAUmail. 

    + What if I forgot my password? 

    If you don't remember your password, you can create a new one here. Alternatively you can contact AAU IT Support on or 9940 2020.

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    Why can't I see any exams?

    If you are logged in to Digital Exam, but have no exams in the overview page "My exams", it is simply because no exams are ready for you. Please contact your study secretary if you think that there should be an active exam for you in Digital Exam. 

    The fact that you can't see any exams doesn't mean that you aren't signed up for any exams at all. You still have to register for courses/exams in Stads Self-service.

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    Where can i see my grade?

    In the overview "My exams" you will be able to see that your exam has been assessed, but you need to login to Stads Self-service to view the grade.

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    The exam has ended - can I still view my submitted paper?

    Yes, after an exam is over, you can still access it via Digital Exam, and view the documents that you submitted (both main document and any attchments). You will also be able to see what you answered to any additional questions, such as "Title" or "Number of characters".

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    Which format should my paper be in?

    Normally, the main document must be uploaded in PDF-format. Certain exams may allow other types of documents, e.g. if the assignment is to be composed in a specific program for drawings, statistics etc. For supplementary documents, all formats are allowed.

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    When do I have to hand in my paper?

    Your assignment needs to be uploaded and submitted within the submission deadline, which is stated in Digital Exam.

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    When is my submission registered?

    Your submission is registered when you reach the page "Confirmation of exam submission", which looks like this:

    Furthermore, an email is sent to your AAUmail confirming your submission.

    Please note!

    If you aresubmitting a semester project, you will also need to hand in to the Digital Project Library via Digital Exam. Your submission is not final until you have done so.

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    How Can I withdraw what I submitted?

    As long as the submission deadline hasn't passed, you can delete and/or edit your assignment as many times as you wish. REMEMBER to always hand in again if you have edited a submission. A submission is only final, when you see the receipt "Confirmation of exam submission".

    After the submission deadline, it will no longer be possible to edit or delete your assignment.

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    How do I view feedback from An assessor?

    If an assessor has given you feedback on a given exam, you will receive an email from Digital Exam informing you of this. Login to Digital Exam, where you view the feedback by clicking the link "Read", which you will find in the right side of the given exam.

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    When is data transferred between Digital Exam and the Project Library?

    When is data transferred between Digital Exam and Pure (AAU Student Projects)?

    • Documents: All the documents you uploaded to Digital Exam will not be transferred to Pure until you have passed the project. If you do not pass, the documents will not be transferred to Pure.

    • Names: If you accepted the invitation to join your group in Digital Exam after the project was submitted to Pure, your name will be transferred to Pure the next day (data between Digital Exam and Pure is synchronized nightly).

    • Guide: Submit to Pure

    What does “confidentiality” mean when I submit my project?

    The level of confidentiality you choose is applied to all the material, you upload to your project. You cannot choose individual levels of confidentiality for your main document and attachments. If a document is “confidential”, this means that it will not be public in Pure. It will be possible to search for and find author(s) and title of the project, but the actual project (and all attachments) will not be downloadable.

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    What does "confidentiality" mean when I submit my project in the Project Library?

    If a document is marked as “confidential” in the Project Library, this means that it will not be public.

    Confidentiality for each document

    • If your project includes several documents (e.g. a main project and three appendices), you can choose which documents should be publicly available and which should be hidden.

    • If you choose to mark all documents as confidential, your project will be entirely hidden in the Project Library, including meta data such as author(s), title, abstract etc.

    • If you choose that some, but not all, documents are confidential, meta data will be available, but the confidential documents will be hidden.

    • If your project includes sensitive content, but you wish to make your project available in the Project Library, you have to keep the sensitive content in an appendix. Mark this document as confidential. Now, your entire project - but not the confidential appendix - will be available in the Project Library.

    If you are unsure of whether your project should be confidential, please contact your supervisor before submitting your project.

Questions about supervised exams

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    good advice before and during a supervised exam

    Test your equipment at home

    Your computer is your responsibility, so make sure that your computer is updated, and ready for the exam.


    don't be late!

    The first thing to do at a supervised exam is to get registered as present with the exam supervisors (alse called invigilators). Only after having done this, you may be allowed toenter the room, and set up your computer. At supervised exams with many attending students, we recommend that you arrive at least one hour before the exam starts.


    Start the submission process early

    Start the submission of your paper early, so you're sure to be able to make it within the deadline. If you have been inactive in Digital Exam for a while, you will need to login again.

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    what is a supervised exam?

    A supervised exam can also be called 'an exam with invigilation'.

    A supervised exam is a written exam held at the university or in rented facilities in a pre-defined strecth of time (e.g. 9am - 2pm). The exam is supervised, and often with limited or no source materials allowed. Digital supervised exams are primarily held in Digital Exam or Moodle.

    ITX Flex is a program used to monitor students' computers during exams.

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    Do i need to bring my own computer?

    Yes, you have to bring your own computer - remember power adaptor/cable.

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    What if my computer breaks down during an exam?

    Your computer is your responsibility. The university has a limited number of computers for students to use if their own computers break down. These computers are offered to students on a first-come-first-served basis, and the university cannot guarantee that there are available computers for everyone in need of them.

    If your computer breaks down, and you have to use a university computer, you will not be given additional time to complete the exam.

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    Do i have to bring printer?

    At some supervised exams, students are required to bring a computer. If  you have to bring a printer, your study secretary will make you aware of this.

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    Can I use the internet during the exam?

    During the exam, you will have access to the Internet, so you can login to Digital Exam, download the assignment, and uploade and submit your final paper.

    Your supervisor/professor decides which source materials are allowed for each exam. At some exams, you may be allowed to access the Internet, or use your own notes or encyclopedias, while at other exams no resources are allowed at all.


    You are never allowed to communicate or share files with other students during a supervised exam. If you are in doubt about anything, please contact the professor or the study secretary.

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    What is considered as exam cheating?

    Read more about exam cheating and how to avoid it, find examination policies etc. on this website: